If you choose to employ a PostgreSQL-driven script application on any of your websites, you will need an adequate amount of database storage space for it, to ensure that even if your website gets larger, it will run properly and without any interruptions. Putting additional products to an electronic shop or extra comments to a message board are only two instances of what can expand your databases. In the event you run out of space at some point, the overall performance could decrease or the site may not be available at all owing to the fact that if your storage restriction is reached, the script will not be able to keep fresh content in the database - user-generated or system one. Since PostgreSQL is used for scalable web apps, it is more than likely that if you use this type of database for your site, you will need additional space for it when your site grows.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Cloud Website Hosting

When you select our cloud website hosting services, you'll be able to expand the content along with the user base of your PostgreSQL-driven sites as much as you will need as some of our plans provide unrestricted database storage space. Even if you select a lower-end plan, you will be able to upgrade either the database storage feature or the whole package, to have enough resources for your sites. We use a custom-made cloud platform and we have a whole cluster for the database storage. Since no other processes run on these servers, the general performance is much better and we'll add extra servers or harddrives if they are needed. No matter how many objects you include in your webstore or how many comments users leave on your discussion board, you will never encounter any problems resulting from deficiency of database storage space.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated hosting are perfect to host any PostgreSQL-driven script application. One of the variations between the packages is in the amount of databases and the storage space for them that you get, so as to give you an option to pick the features that you truly need. For a smaller-sized site, for instance, you won't need that many system resources, while for a major portal, a forum with countless users or a web store with lots of items you could take full advantage of our top-end plan which comes with unrestricted PostgreSQL database storage space. Since all the accounts are created on a cloud web hosting platform, all the databases operate on an individual cluster and they will not share the system resources with the rest of the files. Thus, we achieve a couple of things - much better performance of script sites and nearly limitless database storage space.