Each time you upload a file on a web hosting server, it will take some space on the hard drive dependent on its particular size. In case you manage a script-driven website which stores its info in a database, it will need more disk space, the more people use it. For example, in case you have a discussion forum, the more comments people share, the greater the database shall get. Emails, particularly ones using attachments, also require some space in the site hosting account. The disk space quota that you receive with each cloud website hosting provider is the total amount of info you may have at any given moment, and it incorporates website files, emails plus databases. Likewise, a personal computer has a hard drive and the computer programs installed on it and any documents or music files that you create or download require storage, which can't surpass the total capacity of your hard disk drive.

Disk Space in Cloud Website Hosting

In order to match the processing effectiveness behind all of our cloud website hosting plans, we've studied and integrated the best possible system for the disk space - your account is not made using a single server, but on a cluster platform. Therefore, what we've designed is an entire cluster of servers that is focused on the file storing only, therefore you should never be worried about not having enough hard disk space and having to switch to a new server since your existing one is unable to accommodate more data. In the event that more space is needed, all we need to do is attach more machines to the cluster, so that the hard disk space is inexhaustible. Of course, all of our Linux cloud website hosting services are meant to be used for websites, not for a database of large files. We have separate machines for your databases as well as the e-mail messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With our semi-dedicated server packages, the disk storage characteristic is unlimited, so that you are able to center on building your sites the way you like and never worry about reaching some restriction. Unlike lots of hosting suppliers that make accounts on just a single server, we employ a custom-built cloud platform, which allows us to provide truly unrestricted hard disk space for each and every account. With a single machine, there are only so many hard disks that you can use, not mentioning that the most widespread hosting Control Panels weren't made to work with multiple servers at the same time. Our platform, however, features clusters of servers for the website emails, databases and files, plus our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel was made to work with it. We are able to install as many servers to any of the clusters as required at any time, so that the hdd space is practically limitless.

Disk Space in VPS Web Hosting

All our Linux VPS web hosting offer a large volume of hard disk space in order to match all of your needs and not limit the development of your sites. Naturally, in order for you to manage a single resource-hungry web site or numerous smaller sites, you will need additional power in general, which means that the superior the VPS package, the more disk space you will have. Switching between the different plans is very simple and the further space will be included in your account without moving any data or stopping/restarting your server, so if you reach the space restriction of your current plan, you can always upgrade with a couple of clicks in your billing panel. As we supply several hosting Control Panels for our virtual private servers, you'll have two options for your disk space management - by using Hepsia, all of the sites will share the whole server storage space, while using cPanel and DirectAdmin you are able to set up distinct accounts for your domains and create a quota for every account.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting

All of our Linux dedicated hosting services have multiple hard disks in order to match the processing power that you will get, therefore you will never have to be concerned about not having enough hard disk storage. The hard disks can be used in RAID, meaning that a drive can function as a mirror of another so as to ensure that your info will be backed up, or you can use it separately for even greater overall storage capacity. Hundreds of gigabytes of disk storage will be at your disposal all the time, thus you will be able to manage enormous websites, upload enormous files or even copy your individual archive. As a dedicated server is the most powerful type of web hosting, you'll be able to upload/download files with ultra fast speeds. If necessary, we also provide the option to add more HDDs and make use of even more storage for your data. We supply three hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - with Hepsia, all domain names will share the total server space and will be managed from a single place, while with DirectAdmin and cPanel you will have the option to make individual website hosting accounts with pre-selected disk space allocations for each and every domain name hosted on your server.