Hotlinking is an expression that represents the inclusion of images on a given site through the use of direct links. If you have site A, for instance, and a person creates site B and wishes to add a few images from your Internet site, they're able to either save the images and then add them on their Internet site or they could simply place links on their website to the images on yours. As a result, when a visitor opens website B, site B will steal traffic from your own website A, because the images will load from your web hosting account. This approach is oftentimes used for documents and other kinds of files also. If you would like to prevent 3rd parties from stealing your content and from using your own hosting account’s resources, you could restrict their ability to use direct links to your files on their Internet sites.

Hotlinking Protection in Cloud Website Hosting

It will not require more than a number of mouse clicks to activate the hotlink security function that we offer even if this is the 1st web hosting account which you use, since all of our Linux cloud website hosting services include a very simple and easy-to-use tool that will enable you to prevent direct links to your content. The tool is an element of our advanced Hepsia Control Panel, so it offers the very same intuitive point & click interface. Once you log in to your account’s back office and go to the Hotlink Protection section, you will simply need to pick the domain or subdomain you want to secure from a drop-down list. If you want to enable this feature only for a certain Internet site folder, you will have the option to do that. All Internet sites with enabled hotlink protection shall appear inside this section and you can easily deactivate the service by selecting the checkbox alongside the given Internet site and clicking on the Delete button.

Hotlinking Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you have a semi-dedicated server account with us and you find out that somebody has hotlinked any of your images, you may use the protection tool we've created and incorporated into our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Whenever you switch on this function, a server-generated image will appear on the third-party website in place of your real images. You'll only have to check out the Hotlink Protection section inside the CP and select the domain or subdomain which your Internet site uses from a handy drop-down menu - it's as elementary as that. When necessary, you shall also have the option to activate the function for a specific subfolder and not for the website as a whole. Deactivating the feature is equally simple - go back to the very same section, check the box alongside the specific website and then click on the Delete button.