If you want to make a web site, you need 2 things - your own domain and a web hosting plan for it. The domain registration is the actual website address that you enter in an Internet browser to access a website, while the hosting space is where your website files will be. These are 2 closely connected, but independent services, although many people think that registering the domain name is enough. Much like the disk space and the monthly traffic features that a given hosting plan has, there are a certain number of registered domains you can add as hosted which means that you can have the web content for them in some account even if the domains are actually registered via a different company. In technical terms, it doesn't matter if a domain is registered and hosted using the same company or is registered with one company and pointed to another one - either way your websites will function the very same way.

Hosted Domains in Cloud Website Hosting

Our cloud website hosting plans provide a different number of domain names you can host in a single account. If you'd like to have one or a few web sites, you don't need a lot of resources, so you do not need to purchase a very powerful plan and you can get started with a lower-end one. If you choose to have more websites later on, you can always upgrade the whole package or only the hosted domains feature of your current package - it's going to take only a few clicks in your hosting CP to accomplish this. There is no limit how many domain addresses you can register through our company and by selecting the most suitable plan, you can select how many of them you'll actually host. In case you already have domain names which are registered through a different provider, you can host them here as well and use our web and e-mail hosting services for them.

Hosted Domains in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Every semi-dedicated server that we provide features unrestricted hosted domain addresses. Regardless of whether you register multiple domains here or you already have them through another company, you can add them in the account on our end with only a few clicks. If you decide to get a new domain address through our company, it will be hosted automatically in the account, so you will not have to do anything else but start working on the website for it. All of the hosted domain names can be controlled easily in one location through our Hepsia CP. On the other hand, in case you use rival Control Panels, you can register a domain through one system and host it through another, not mentioning you need to switch between several accounts to regulate a couple of domain names. Therefore, Hepsia will save you efforts and time any time you manage your hosted domain addresses.

Hosted Domains in VPS Web Hosting

Our virtual private server packages do not have any limit for the amount of domain addresses you can host whatever the Control Panel that you select throughout the process of ordering. With Hepsia, you'll be able to control all domain names in one location and any new domain name that you register will be hosted automatically on the server without the need to do anything manually. If you get the VPS with cPanel or DirectAdmin, you can choose if a number of domains will be accommodated in a single account or if each domain is going to be hosted in its own account as there is no restriction how many independent accounts you can create with these two Control Panels. You can register new domain addresses via the VPS billing area and choose the ones you want to host and which ones to park and forward.