The best speeds for your personal websites in the United States, Canada and also Latin America

For anybody who is running multimedia web sites targeted chiefly at visitors who reside in the USA, Canada and Latin America, then you should consider our USA based datacenter, which provides wonderful virtual hosting conditions for your requirements.

The USA based datacenter has an important location in downtown Chicago and serves most of the most significant telecom providers in The United States of America. With full redundancy in power and network connectivity, the facility provides a superb hosting environment for your resource–demanding sites and apps.

To utilize the USA based datacenter, simply select it on the sign up form alongside the Linux VPS Web Hosting that you want. Our admins are going to deploy the server for you cost–free and they will set up an Operating System of your choice. Moreover, they will perform once–a–week off–site backups of your respective VPS and will assure a 99.9% network uptime.

Other US Hosting Services

Our Virtual Private Servers aren’t the sole hosting service featured in our USA based datacenter. There you’ll also find Linux cloud website hosting services packages, semi–dedicated servers and dedicated servers.

The USA Based Cloud Website Hosting service can be a remarkable option for any private blog, portfolio site and relatively popular web–store. The Linux cloud website hosting services packages have a 99.9% server uptime guarantee, a 100% free domain name registration as well as the free of cost Website Control Panel.

Our USA Based Linux Semi-dedicated Servers are for people who require anything more powerful than just a Linux cloud website hosting services package, but don’t desire to deal with any kind of server administration responsibilities. Our semi–dedicated servers come along with ample CPU usage and MySQL database space quotas, making them a great choice for CPU–intensive sites.

The USA Based Linux Dedicated Hosting Servers are the ultimate web hosting service. Employing a server at your command, one can host almost any site or web application, originating from a mailing script for your email promotions to a company site with millions of month–to–month visitors. The dedicated servers are backed up by a 99.9% network uptime guarantee as well as a 24/7 tech support service.